Bridging Communities

Bridging Communities is an ambitious project to cover Belleville’s downtown Upper Front Street Bridge in crochet. Students to seniors are working to reach our goal.

Since the project started, we have crocheted enough squares to cover the pillars, with more happening every week. Thanks to grants from the City of Belleville, all yarn has been provided free to participants.

​​Whether you are an individual, a group, a business, together we can make it happen. Come join us as we celebrate working together in the Bay of Quinte and beyond.


In 2020-21, thanks to art research grants from the Ontario Arts Council and the City of Belleville, artist Emebet Belete and volunteers explored covering the Upper Front Street Bridge in crochet.  The inspiration came from Emebet’s visit to Singapore’s painted Alkaff Bridge, and her thoughts on what art form would most involve the community.

The Upper Front Street Bridge is the entryway to downtown Belleville.  As part of Belleville’s ongoing restoration of the downtown core, it is scheduled to be renovated. 

Bridging Communities is bringing together students, community groups and individuals in creating thousands of crochet pieces that will cover the Upper Front Street Bridge after its renovation.

Getting Involved

Our goal is to involve the largest cross-section of our community possible in covering the Upper Front Street Bridge.

Getting involved could mean:

•  Crocheting a piece or more for the bridge

•  Joining the organizing committee

•  Teaching others to crochet

•  Helping distribute crocheting materials

•  Working with your group or organization to crochet pieces

•  Joining in with friends or partners to create a crochet group

Crochet Instructions

We have crochet groups ongoing throughout Belleville, Trenton, and Kingston, and Picton. Whether you are an individual, a group, a school, or a business, we welcome everyone. Please contact us to see how you can get involved.

Community Partners

Thank you to supporting organizations